Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 17, 2014

Awesome week out in Mautuma! One of the Best weeks of my mission!!!

Start of the week i went out on exchanges to Misikhu again to do some baptismal interviews for some of their investigators. It was really cool to do the interviews, i love doing them because its awesome to see people who have changed their ways to come closer to the Savior and take that step of faith by being baptized. Always a spiritual experience.  Only thing i didn't like about the exchange was their flat.. Didn't have power and barely had water the entire time and rats were going crazy in their flat!  we found a dead one we we first walked in, and i thought it was dead so i poked it with a stick but then it went crazy and started running around. but we caught it. Fun times! and don't worry Mom my flat is better than that.  But a cool exchange and really nice to do the interviews!
Once back to Mautuma me and Elder Griffiths really worked this week! We were able to get 26 lessons with a member present, which is really really awesome.  President Hicken really wants members to do a lot more in the work and help us more, and the members here have really stepped it up. They have been very willing and happy to help us.  It was also really cool because on Saturday we were able to go on splits with 2 guys in the Branch.  I went with Daniel Mbagwa, 35 yr old guy who used to be really less active but has been coming a lot recently.  So it was really nice to go with him and he was a great help. We had planned to go visit some of our investigators, but once it came time to visit them, they all bounced us. I was like oh snap what are we gunna do now? But then Daniel was like Hey i got a bunch of friends interested in the Church can we go visit them??..... YES! It was awesome! I just followed him around as he introduced me to some of his friends who were interested in learning more.  So we had some great lessons with them and now have a lot more people to teach. Especially got a really cool investigator now named Josiah, who came to church and even accepted a baptismal date! So a lot of great things are going on now in Mautuma, all because the members are really stepping up here to help us. We have 8 people with baptismal dates and we are really excited about that!
Another interesting lesson with Titus this week... CHASTITY! ya that lesson is always interesting haha.  But it was really cool and he said that it was a good commandment because people are to dirty these days... ya you tell them Titus! ha so that was pretty cool, still trying to help him overcome drinking tea and coffee, but he is really reducing and has really made some good strides forward, so we hope he continues to progress and do good. 
Also this week we got a new branch presidency called... and now we have Brother Edward as president! or i guess now i should call him President Opiayo.  But ill have to send a picture of him sometime ha he is probably one of the greatest members i have met so far on my mission. Super dedicated and really humble trying to learn as much as he can about the church, and has one of the strongest testimonies i have seen. He is always asking us questions about things in the church and how things are suppose to be run.   Really awesome guy, also one of the biggest and goofiest guys haha.  But it was pretty interesting Sunday with a new branch presidency!
But really this week was one of the best weeks so far!! Really worked hard and received a ton of help from the members! I'm enjoying serving the Lord and things are looking good in Mautuma!! Love you all have a great week and hope valentines day was good!!
Elder Thomas

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